Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Keep Calm and Carry On

Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” -Michael Caine

Back in early 1939, the British government was having to consider the possibility of a German invasion on British soil. The government had to find a way to show the people that all efforts to protect and defend them was being done.

Propaganda posters such as the one above were being made ready. The message was simple, Keep Calm and Carry On. Two-and-a-half million copies were printed, although the poster was distributed only in limited numbers.

The history of this poster and others is fascinating to read. Something so simple that can truly have an impact on the pulse of a nation. I then position that against the quote from Michael Caine that surely you can remain calm on the surface, "...like a duck, calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath." Our outer demeanor can remain calm and observant as we go about our day. Yet inside we are working feverishly to keep moving forward.

The bigger picture for me though is that regardless of the madness of the world around you, remaining calm can allow you to focus on actually moving forward. Not the easiest thing when there are 'bombs' dropping all around you. It is exactly at those times when you need to remain calm and focused, paddling like the dickens on the inside.

Find it within yourself to remain calm when all seems to be going wrong, when the warfare of calamity strikes. Then focus on the inside and begin the process of moving forward towards more peaceful times. In other words, "keep calm and carry on" with your life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lift Your Eyes

Today I'm taking a break, concentrating on my C3 Beyond volunteer work. We have several projects happening. Lift your eyes and do what you can for someone today, large or small.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Operation Gracyn

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." ~Angela Schwindt

Today it is simple, help a child in need. Gracyn Rhodes is a child in need of a surgery that will change her life forever.

"...a miracle child right from the beginning. Eight weeks into my pregnancy they gave her a 50% chance of survival. At 28 weeks, on April 29, 2005, Gracyn Summer Rhodes was born, weighing only 2 pounds 6 ounces and was no bigger than her Daddy’s hand.

Unfortunately, our joy was short-lived. The most heart crushing moment was when I bravely asked the doctor, what Gracyn’s first goal would be. His response, “to make it through the night”. In our pursuit to give Gracyn the best possible care, she was sent to a neurologist to perform an MRI.

It was then that we were given the biggest blow of all: Gracyn was diagnosed with Spastic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. This was the beginning of yet another exhausting and confusing journey. No instruction manual. No such thing as a “CP doctor”. What now? We kept searching and calling and researching, until one day, we found SDR

What can you do?

You can help by donating small or large amounts to help the Rhodes pay for their daughter's surgery. Time is of the essence as the window of opportunity is small. The Rhodes are going forward regardless of any one's assistance, any parent would. But we can help them with the costs, with the transportation, with the housing needed while in St. Louis and the cost of physical therapy when they return home. Very little of the costs are covered by insurance, so any amount you can donate is appreciated.

How do you donate?

Stop what you are doing right now and go to Operation Gracyn and click on the "CHIP IN" button now.

But how do I find out more before donating?

All of the information is contained on the Operation Gracyn website. It also contains a link that describes the SDR surgery, doctor, hospital and anything you need to find out.

But most of all, click on that CHIP IN button and donate $4, $40, $400, $4000 or $40,000. Any amount will help and is greatly appreciated.

"In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us." -Flora Edwards

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mending A Fishing Net

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." -Henry David Thoreau

UPDATED ARTICLE: How To Mend A Fishing Net

I have had many people come to my web blog looking for ways to 'mend a fishing net'. Most times they end up with my article Mending Fishing Nets that speaks about keeping the 'network' of friends you have in life close and in repair.

But in fairness to those that have commented and are looking for a way to 'really' mend a fishing net, then I provide the following links below to sites that offer real tips on mending fishing nets.

It is a starting place for those in need of net repairing information. I don't receive any money if you click on the link. I just felt it necessary to give those that want that type of site, a link to get there.

And if you need some encouragement because your net is in bad need of repair; read some of my articles and see if it helps.

Mending a Net

DIY Fishing Tips: fishing net repair

How to Mend a Fishing Net

So come back and read a few articles on my site that will give you something to think about while mending your nets. It will help you strengthen the 'net' of friendships and life around you.

Happy Fishing