Thursday, August 27, 2009

Contentment Right Here

"It's alright. Wherever you are right now, I tell you it's alright. That's where you're supposed to be now." -311

Soon I will have the annual celebration each of us have, which is a birthday. That ritual we perform to mark the successful completion of another year in this great life. It will be different this time around as my mother will not be here this time. She passed away last October from Pancreatic Cancer and each of us miss her. My sister passed away back in the late 1980s and there are those days in which I would love to have her here.

But my faith in God and understanding of life in general gives me contentment. Where I am in life right now, "it's alright." I don't share the passing of my mother to garner sympathy, but to note that each of us have our pain and joys in life. Not having loved ones to share this day with me can be sad, but I'll choose to have the memory of them with me. Joy will fill my heart in knowing "it's alright."

The picture you see is of my mother and sister many years ago. It is a picture that I found somewhat interesting in that you can see others in the mirror. Those people are my father and a couple of siblings. But why so interesting? It is as if I am getting a glimpse of them together from the other side. And those in the living mirror are what my mother and sister get to watch everyday.

It gives me that contentment I spoke about, that I'm right where I'm supposed to be. That it is alright both for me and for them. It makes me believe that if you can realize this contentment, your own life will be much better. It will allow you to feel the joy that life really is meant to be.

Find your joy in this life. Know that "it's alright" and experience that joy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Change Happens

Change happens in small ways and in increments. That profile picture just doesn't do my good looks any justice. Yes, I am poking a bit of fun at myself. I have so much more that I want to say and continue to find ways to get you to read this blog.

A change in the format, look and feel is something that can spark a renewed interest. Change is a doorway to something new that will expand your life. Change is a never ending process we each go through. In other words, change is good.

I hope to continue doing this for a very long time and hope that you get just a little bit of encouragement, a little bit of wisdom, or a little bit of hope each day. Take what you learn and pass it on to someone else. Take the goodness in your heart and pass it through to them.

Ride with me on this journey and together we'll make it a wonderous life. Together we can make a difference. But changes happen and the time goes by without realizing it happened.

Ch, Ch, Ch, Changes.....


Friday, August 21, 2009

Constructing Change

I speak of change in my articles and change is coming to my blog. If all goes as planned, you will see a new look to this site next week. That time has come to allow the page to 'step through a door of change' and be different.

But until then, think of what you can do to change the world. What one thing can you do to make a difference for someone else. What one word do you have inside that will create change?


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Joseph William Primm

I have been taking a couple days off from writing as I attend the C3 Americas Conference. Just taking this time to refresh my spirit. I understand that reading my articles have become an accustomed daily thing for many of you. So I take it seriously when I fail to write during the weekday. You get something from reading them and I get something from writing.

Also, I have a big announcement today......

On AUGUST 19, 2009 my nephew Bill and his wife Kelli gave birth to their first son born last night. His grandparents, Jerry and Linda are excited and proud to say the least.

Joseph William Primm
7 lbs 3 oz
19 inches long

And with red hair, which makes him an exceedingly good looking kid!

JOSEPH - from Ioseph, the Latin form of Greek Ιωσηφ (Ioseph), which was from the Hebrew name יוֹסֵף (Yosef) meaning "he will add".

WILLIAM - from the Germanic name Willahelm, which was composed of the elements wil "will, desire" and helm "helmet, protection".

Joseph William Primm will add greatness and protection of others through out his life. Welcome to the world Joseph.