Monday, June 28, 2010

Larger Capacity

In truth, the only restrictions on our capacity to astonish ourselves and each other are imposed by our own minds. ~David Blaine

I came upon the above art work that got me to thinking about something my friend Dean Sweetman told me recently. Capacity within oneself is so much more than what we limit ourselves to. If you are going to get something bigger, you are going to have to get bigger yourself. You have to be able to contain and receive that which you are trying to possess.

Everything comes to us that belongs to us if we create the capacity to receive it. ~Rabindranath Tagore

We box ourselves in by negatively thinking of what we can actually accomplish in life. Like the balloon trying to rise to great heights, the nice convenient room we have built in our mind prevents it.

The capacity you're thinking of is imagination; without it there can be no understanding, indeed no fiction. ~William Trevor

You have to break free from the thoughts and limitations you place on your life. Believe in your ability to expand your world. The confidence to do so exists inside if you will simply allow it to see the light of day.

As is our confidence, so is our capacity. ~William Hazlitt

Putting it in perspective, a myth exists that we only use roughly 10% of our brains ability. This is actually wrong because that number is really only the 'perceived' amount we use. While we may only be consciously aware of certain portions of our brain activity, all of our brain is doing work whether we're aware of it or not.

I just think that we're capable of so much more; we don't utilize all our capacity like we should. ~Marcus Allen

We have ability inside that we fail to acknowledge. Maybe that is fear or failure; practice fearlessness. Maybe that is a friend filling you with discouragement; get a new friend. Maybe that is lack of knowledge; learn more by reading.

Wisdom is nothing but a preparation of the soul, a capacity, a secret art of thinking, feeling and breathing thoughts of unity at every moment of life. ~Herman Hesse

Prepare yourself for greater things. Break through the walls that you keep yourself confined within. Start imagining a bigger you capable of greater capacity to achieve. And then start to build a bigger you. Don't wait, start now and you will become bigger then you ever first imagined.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Planned Adventure

"A lot of my time was spent searching, thinking and planning my life." ~Ryan White

My family has started planning for a trip in January of 2011 to Ireland. It is a trip to Cork in order to fulfill one of my mother's wishes. Before passing away in October of 2008 from Pancreatic Cancer, she asked that some of her ashes be spread in her ancestral Ireland.


The planning process we are going through reminds me of when we took her to Ireland in 2004. We planned and worked to make the trip as perfect as can be. While Mom understood all of the planning, she was more interested in the adventure that would happen. She understood that all of those plans wouldn't play out as "planned". She knew that life provided a great adventure beyond all of the planning.

So with this upcoming trip to retrace her footsteps and to fulfill a wish, we are planning. But we are also expecting adventure. What she taught us is to not spend our life figuring it all out ahead of time. She taught us to live life. That is the adventure, the ability to overcome failed plans and enjoy the act of living.

We will plan our trip, our day, our weekend, our lives. And the real adventure will be how we accept failed plans and accept the wonder of living. Plan your life, but plan for adventure and enjoy every minute of it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Street Cop

"If you run, you'll only go to jail tired." ~Unknown

Just recently I finished reading a new book by David Spell called STREET COP. It is one of those books that tells the tales from nearly 30 years of life in law enforcement. A life you thought you may have understood a police officer goes through. But this one is more personal and brings you right into the action. And it is that action for which I'm thankful for people like David Spell.

Each day we get up and go to work, the store or any of a hundred different things. The visible life of police officers is the one in which we see them involved in catching speeding cars or showing up at our fender benders. The life that some may criticize as 'interference' in your daily life.

What we fail to see and maybe choose not to see is one in which bad guys do bad things, ugly things, to other people. The bad guys rob, beat up their wives, sell drugs to our children and they shoot and kill in bloody messes. It is these same bad guys that are confronted every day by good guys just like David Spell.

Each day, the good guys are chasing down these bad guys and keeping you and I safe. It is only in their spare time do police officers get the chance to try and slow us down on the roads. It is only in their spare time do police officers get the chance to help write up an incident report from your little fender bender.

You may wonder why police officers are so careful when pulling you over as well. One police officer is quoted as saying, "In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC (National Crime Information Center)." When you read STREET COP you will see just how much danger they put themselves in. And this goes on each and every day, "TO PROTECT AND SERVE" isn't just a line from a movie.

Grab hold of David's book today and see what happens as we go about our daily life. And than thank a police officer next time you see one. Thank your 'lucky stars' they are out there chasing down the bad guys and the occassional dog.

Friday, June 04, 2010

More Then Blue Loves The Sky

"Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard." ~Dave Mustaine

A fellow I know by the name of John Toner suffered a great loss recently. His wife, Sabrina Toner passed away unexpectedly. He along with their four daughters have had their lives suddenly and drastically changed by Sabrina's passing.

It is a great story of a loving mother who taught her daughters and husband so much in the short time that was their's. This was very evident in one of their daughters at the memorial service. Only nine years old, this brave young girl approached the lecturn and read a poem.

This was a poem she had written for her mother and wanted the whole world to hear. I can not remember all of the lines, but you will be moved by what I can repeat here.

I love you so very much
I love you more then colors love the rainbow
I love you more then words love the book

It goes on and is a very sweet but touching gift from a young daughter to a mother. her actions also teach us as adults that we can be strong and loving at the same time. She did not break down. She stood before the world and expressed what she and her family felt. And that was simply love for their mother Sabrina.

We can all be taught that moving on from a tragic event such as the loss of a loved one is tough. It is tough on kids and it is tough on adults. We can move on but leaving behind is the tough part. The love we carry inside for others and the sweet memories move on with us. That we must never forget.

Prayers and condolences fill the empty as much as possible for the Toner family. Yet it is love for Sabrina that will comfort them. More then leaves love the tree, more then blue loves the sky.