Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Happens in Vegas

"Buy the ticket, take the ride." -Hunter S. Thompson

This is the final day @EMCWorld here in fabulous Las Vegas. This city certainly knows how to put on a show, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and three-hundred sixty-five days a year. Keeping in the spirit of Las Vegas, the quote from Hunter Thompson seems appropriate.

So much can happen here. Many things can be gained, much can be lost and through it all its the ride you take. A popular phrase used by the Las Vegas Tourism folks is "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." It is a catchy phrase, but what I say is to take home the positive things from your stay.

Yes, you probably spent a bit too much money, maybe drank a little too much and maybe stayed up a bit too late, and it was fun, correct?

But you also learned a little bit while @EMCWorld? And didn't you gain a few more friends? And didn't you light a spark of vision inside yourself? Absolutely you did, absolutely you will!

What you have just done is "bought the ticket" and now you will "take the ride" of your life. Don't leave that vision in Vegas. Take it home with you and make it a BIG part of your life. Begin building momentum from this experience and create a great life.

Viva Las Vegas....
Viva your best life...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dream Big

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." -Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Here we are now on day three @EMCWorld. There have been BIG announcements already and more BIG announcements to come. But the bigger thing that is on my mind are the BIG visions people will have going forward. Not just related to EMCWorld and technology, but BIG things for their lives.

To illustrate BIG in this post's picture, I was going to show a great view of the Palazzo Hotel here in Las Vegas where I am staying. From the street, it is a grand view; large, big and brightly lit. But framing that with the quote, I didn't want people viewing money as my cathedral. So I used an image of Saint Patricks Cathedral in New York City.

Neither the Palazzo Hotel or Saint Patricks Cathedral are meant as the objects of this article. The center piece is that to build something BIG and grand for your life you have to envision it first. A cathedral starts as a pile of stones and someone having a vision to create something great. A huge hotel begins as a list of dreams on napkins and memo pads.

Everything BIG starts starts as a BIG vision.

I suppose one might even make the case for the grand looking buildings in Las Vegas. But I say this from the view of people visiting Las Vegas, the EMC World convention goers and almost anyone, anywhere. If you look at success, the gold and grandness of it all, then maybe you will catch inspiration to lift your life to even greater heights.

I'm not interested in the false facade or illusions that can exist in life. I'm interested in sparking a real vision for your life in which you can do great things. So, if standing in front of a cathedral or a grand hotel can light a fire inside of you to do great things, then stand and be inspired.

There will be 10,000 people heading home soon from EMC World with lots of ideas, goals and visions for the upcoming year. A large portion of that will be centered on the BIG announcements made during this event. But I hope that each of them take home a BIG vision for their own life.

Enjoy the rest of the convention folks and dream BIG.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought." -Agnes Repplier

Day one of @EMCWorld is complete and day two is well under way. As I sit in the quiet, relaxing bloggers lounge, it contrasts with the hubbub of activity out on the floor. If you have ever been to a large conference, the number of people flowing through it can be overwhelming at times.

For breakfast most mornings, I liken it to the "Running of the Bulls". At times it seems like a narrow Spanish street filled with people and bulls running through it. Then again, I don't mean to say people are running in a mad rush of confusion. What I mean is the well directed funnelling of people into a huge banquet hall. It is an amazing feat to pull off the feeding 10,000 people.

And in that crowd of walking, picking up food, finding a chair, and eating, there is conversation. There are people talking to each other about a wide variety of subjects. Since we are in Las Vegas, many of those conversations revolve around how much someone won or lost in the casino.

Others will be giving introductions of themselves, the latest sporting event, and at a conference such as this, technology. In the high level view it may seem like just a lot of noise. But listen carefully and you will hear people connecting.

People are talking and sharing with each other. They are learning something new or reaffirming something old, but they are talking. Folks will gather new friends and also touch base with old friends. And each of these connections will advance each of us even further.

By connecting with others you gain new insight that will lift your life even higher. By connecting with others we give them something new in their life. By connecting with others we strengthen the human experience.

Connect with others and see how your life will gain from it. You may think you are adding to the noise when in fact you are actually adding to your life. Enjoy the noise.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Viva Big Data

"All this technology for connection and what we really only know more about is how anonymous we are in the grand scheme of things" -Heather Donahue

Coming to you live from Las Vegas this week at EMC World. A gathering of over 10,000 people that have one thing in mind, data storage. This the premiere technology event of the year and its going to be another great one.

The articles this week are not going to be marketing introductions or specifications on data. What I want to bring to you is the human element of the conference. The connections people make, the interaction of different people from all around the world.

Here we have the chance to take all of this social media and actually connect face-to-face with each other. Scary for some, intriguing for others, but the great thing is making those connections to other people.

I will be offering small updates by means of Twitter and Facebook, so check me out on Twitter @jprimm or Facebook Joseph Primm.

So Viva Las Vegas from @EMCWorld, the world of big data and lots of fantastic people.

Hang tight, I think I just saw Elvis....