Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sufficient Love

"Love possesses not nor will it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love." -Khalil Gibran

A bit light on articles this week although I plan on posting a couple of favorites from the past. I am taking this week to clear up a few things at work and then spend the rest with family on a short vacation.

The picture and quote shown above are a little hint of what my next book will be. I'm still a ways off but plan to have it ready for Christmas gift giving. As the time draws closer, I will give you more bits and pieces.

Until then, the books I have out there already could always use another reader. I am also working on getting them into eBook format which will make the whole idea of becoming an avid reader of mine easier.

All I ask is that you keep reading, keep dreaming, but more importantly keep moving forward.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Days To Remember

"Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be." -Khalil Gibran

It was only supposed to be dinner for four and a movie. There was to be nothing more than good conversation and escape from the the week's work. But then I entered the room and you smiled.

Happy Birthday Laura, my friend, my love, my life.

"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." -George William Curtis

I would also like to say thank you to my son Dan for his continued service to our country. Thank you to him and the millions of others that have and continue to serve so bravely and boldly. I also say thank you to those that are taking those first steps to serve. Each of you are proud examples of a great and loving nation.

This great country was built by great people. It continues to be a great country despite the ups and downs we endure. And it is great people such as yourselves that protect and defend it so well. Thank you and I wish only continued strength and safety in your daily mission.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day in the life of rocks

"We learn geology the morning after the earthquake" -Ralph Waldo Emerson

This past week one of my son's had a birthday. Jon to be precise but in the grand scheme of things, he is somewhere in the middle of Wyoming. He is likely outside the reach of cell phone towers, close enough to a town with a small diner.

But he is likely enjoying his time of research, of being able to put his learned degree in geology to use. I would assume he is picking away at geological formations, figuring out just how this big planet was formed and how we can use its resources.

Yet his Gpa Bill could have taught him everything. The rocks my father collected on vacations are something of a family "thing". I am sad to say that my brother Jim will be the one to get them one day.

So Jon will have to collect his own on this birthday and for the years to come. That is if he actually collects them. My father did, I do and I'm guessing Jon will. And if not, I'm fine with that.

Happy Birthday Jon - happy rock climbing!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slice of Ireland

"There are those moments when you shake someone's hand, have a conversation with someone, and suddenly your all bound together because you share your humanity in one simple moment."
-Ralph Fiennes-

Today we wrapped up our business meetings and held a grand dinner to celebrate. A local restaurant that had very good food, very good service and very good conversation.

All week we have worked together as representatives of different companies, as different nationalities and as different people. But the end result is that we worked together as a single entity. We held conversations and did those things as a group when so much could have been stacked against us.

I am not one to quote the Bible, but Matthew 18:20 reads, "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." What is great about this verse is that each of us had a sense of purpose for what was at hand. We were given the opportunity to achieve something and we did, it was good. The verse reminds me that if we do come together as two, three or many, then something good can come from it.

Gather those that you know whether it be family, friends, and neighbors. Sit down with co-workers or people you know from business, sports, or any other connection. When we do, the conversation will flow and good things will happen. A little slice of my Ireland experience will come upon all of you.