Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Overcome Your Barriers

"Do not allow the problem to choke and destroy your vision." ~ Joseph Primm

Overcoming barriers to success in your life is about looking beyond those barriers. You need then build your life regardless of those same barriers and continue on with that life after the barrier is overcome. Life is going to place circumstances in front of you all along the way.

That is just the way life is.

It doesn't seem fair, it doesn't seem to be justified when life hits you upside the head. None of those things are under your control, life is just happening. What you are in control of is you. You control how you react, how you respond, and how you deal with the barriers will determine the outcome.

Your vision belongs to you and no one else.

Once you give up, the barrier has won the battle for your life. The barrier will now own your vision and not you. The barrier will have choked the vision from you and determined your life for you. The barricade to success, the locks and chains that keep you from living a great life will all grasp a little tighter.

Do not allow these barriers to choke and destroy your vision.

Take hold of your vision and overcome the barriers standing in your way. Reach beyond your current situation and see what life holds for you. Own your vision and realize it.

If you think your barriers, your obstacles, your "lot in life" are too much to overcome? Then watch this video and remember to always stay inspired my friends.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Your Example

"Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach." - Albert Einstein

There is an age old saying which says, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." It could be easy for us to simply put this off and tell someone to learn it on their own. the reason is that there is quite a bit one can learn by reading and absorbing the content of many good books, blogs and other resources.

But to show someone, to teach them by example goes much further.

This is not simply in the educational realm of teaching. The way you live your life, the way you conduct yourself has a huge influence on those around you. Your kids may hear you say, "pick up your clothes" but if you leave your clothes laying around, the net result is they will leave theirs laying around.

Living by example is much more powerful.

It impacts others in ways you may not have ever considered. I am not perfect in this but I do try to conduct myself to set a good example. I try to be aware that what I do is watched and learned by other. We are each human and that implies we are fallible.

It is in striving to teach others by example that sets the stage for everyone to grow to a greater life. Show others by example and impact their life. In turn your own life will grow in ways you never thought possible.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Possibility in Change

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” ― Anne Frank

Here we were, three people sitting side by side facing a long flight from Atlanta to Seattle. It was an evening flight so very little could be seen out the window. Much of what one sees from 35,000 feet is pretty plain anyway except for the occasional river or other large landmark. Forget about seeing anything when flying above the fluffy clouds.

I had my work and reading to do during the flight. I settled in with music in my ears and paperwork strewn about the little table in front of me. There are not very many things that can be strewn in such a small space, but I have a knack for doing it.

My seat was by the the window and my seat mates were Roberta in the middle seat and Joe held up the aisle area for us. They were a nice couple I deemed as they sat down. Travel weary to say the least as I would later confirm. Our age difference was noticeable but I could count them as either young parents to me or somewhere in-between.

As I grew tired of the reading and music, I removed my headphones, put away my papers and turned on the little television in front of me to the 'where are we' channel. This is the in-flight map although I call it differently as it fills that need inside of me to know where I am.

My need to know is an obsession of sorts.

When on a plane, you can not see out the front nor the back. The only frame of reference is the ground below you and unless you can make out obvious landmarks, knowing where you are is near impossible.

At that moment we happened to be flying over Scottsbluff, Nebraska. A small western town in the panhandle of the Cornhusker state. Not much out there except for sugar beet farms, open range land and some pretty cool natural monuments like Chimney Rock. The town of Scottsbluff was on the wagon trail for homesteaders moving west to great places such as California and Oregon.

There was nothing to see out the window except for darkness.

Roberta commented to me about the map and where I was heading. This opened up a conversation which reaffirmed my belief that change can happen at any point in life. I have written in "Changed Lives", you have the power to alter your condition. If things are not working out and you have tried everything within the circumstance, making a change can be the right thing to do.

As we spoke, I learned they were returning from a 20-some day vacation full of train, boat, car and plane rides. From the great Northwest to Central America and other equatorial locations, the wear on them was catching up. It is always good to "come home" and they had that look upon them.

Both lived in the northwest but each had come from the Minnesota area originally. Roberta had graduated a couple of years ahead of the famed songwriter Bob Dylan in Hibbing, MN. I'm not sure that she would have dated him because I imagine Bob being a bit 'odd' for the area given his talent. Joe was from the Minneapolis area and had a normal midwestern life and career.

Yet each found the other only six years ago.

Both came from divorce of marriages that had lasted many years. When you have been married for such a long time, the prospect of getting to experience that love ever again seems remote. But it happened for them and they are happy as can be. Roberta is retired now and Joe is in semi-retirement. As Joe stated, I'll work if and when I feel like it.

As we spoke, there was a thrill in Roberta's voice of her life and how it has all worked out. She was feeling the joy that many more years of love were going to give her. There was a spark of light in her eyes as she spoke of Joe and all that they would do together. This included moving back to Minnesota to be near her grandchildren.

As she put it, "grandchildren need their grandmother."

The details of their individual divorces have many of the same themes which run through all stories of divorce. Know from their example and the example of countless others, change is possible and will lighten your own heart.

There are things you might be going through today. It could be divorce, money issues, physical pain or any of a thousand other variations that life throws at us.

Just know that change or altering your circumstance is within your grasp.

You can make a change, you can choose a different path. Each day you are given the ability while in the plain, nondescript building near the crossroads of your life to choose change. When the door of opportunity opens and you see the light shining in, take your dreams and walk out into new possibility.

Be bold and willing to take the chance on something new.

It is most likely I will never see or hear of Roberta and Joe again. But the light of change each embraced will carry in my memory for a long time to come. Happy living and thank you to these two wonderful people.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Feeling Peckish? Good!

"If you don't like what you're getting, then change what you're doing. It's up to you." - Pat Croce

Your word of the day is peckish.

\ PEK-ish \

1. somewhat hungry: By noon we were feeling a bit peckish.
2. rather irritable: He's always a bit peckish after his nap.

Are you feeling a bit peckish for greater things in your life?

Are you somewhat peckish about your job and career?

Those two questions sound like the start to an infomercial for a miracle pill, book or online course to solve all your problems. An instant career in this one little pill taken twice daily for a month. Play these easy listening audio courses and you too can have the large yacht and buckets full of no more misery.

All for the low price of $99.

It would be great if that is all it took to get over feeling peckish about life. The one pill for all weight loss goals. The one book to give us all the success we need. The one idea to propel us to greatness. Instant, easy and ready made just for us.

Reality soon dissolves that wish and takes your $99.

Being peckish helps to motivate you. It can inspire you to learn more, to experience more, to get up and stop wishing for the instant fix. It makes you think about changing the way you view your job and those around you. It makes you think about changing your circumstance either within the situation or moving on to greater adventures.

You have two choices once you become peckish.

One is to do nothing, remain tired and annoyed at the situation. The second choice is to get up and do something about it. It is a simple case of choosing one of two options that can be the hardest thing in your life to decide.

Choose to change your condition.

Make a choice to not let circumstance define you but rather you define you. And stay inspired my friends.