Monday, August 31, 2015

Milestones of Time

If Destiny throws a stone at you, don't let it become a millstone. Make it into a milestone.” ― Sachin Tendulkar

Yesterday, August 30 marked the day ten years ago when I wrote my first blog article. It was an article titled "Starting New" and I had thought it would be a good outlet for my experience in the computer industry. Yet I knew there was more purpose to it for many of the reasons my wife Laura wrote on my birthday blog two days ago.

Over the years there have been nearly 160,000 page views, scores of visitors and certainly an evolution of my writing ability. I am also very pleased with the comments received from each of you over the years.

And it is you the reader who are a large part of the inspiration. To that I thank each of you for keeping me inspired to write. You are the pilgrims of everyday life, traveling to places yet unseen to meet people yet unknown to do grand things as yet undreamed.

Henry Van Dyke >> Song Of A Pilgrim-Soul

March on, my soul, nor like a laggard stay!
March swiftly on. Yet err not from the way
Where all the nobly wise of old have trod,--
The path of faith, made by the sons of God.

Follow the marks that they have set beside
The narrow, cloud-swept track, to be thy guide:
Follow, and honour what the past has gained,
And forward still, that more may be attained.

Something to learn, and something to forget:
Hold fast the good, and seek the better yet:
Press on, and prove the pilgrim-hope of youth:
The Creeds are milestones on the road to Truth

Carry on my friends and stay inspired!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Blog Birthday Hijack

You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” ― Dr. Seuss

Hi All,

Laura Primm here.

I hacked my husband’s blog today because it is his birthday and wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday. I also wanted to tell everyone a little story about Joe and his Primm's Attitude Blog that you are reading.

Ten years ago, back in August of 2005, my husband and I had been married for a few years and I was still a little broken at the time. Joe was certainly aware and loved me still. I was healing but still healing from life’s many bumps in the road I had experienced (ouch ouch ouch).

Joe would often say back in those days “You are just going to have to trust me” and “Laura, you are over thinking it." Two of my biggest issues were “Trust” and “Self Esteem.” He was patience, always loving and confident.

Loving persuasion you might say.

Over the years I have healed. In the right environment, all of us are continually healing whether physical, mental or spiritually. That is the way God made us. He does not want us to stay broken. He wants us to grow and have the capacity to be in His presence and live there.

He graciously gave me a man whom I needed then and do today as well.

Now about to Joe's blog. He never told me this and he would probably deny it, but I believe Joe created it, this blog we are all reading, just for me. He could never sit down, have a little 'pow-wow' with me and feed me all of the encouraging words he offers consistently day after day and year after year verbally. He would have to become my personal counselor or something.

So I do believe he created this Blog for me.

I read his encouraging articles and hear his encouraging words over and over and over. What a gift. What a special gift. And whether he created this blog just for me (which I like to think he did) or he created it for all. It is meant for all of us who need or want to hear encouragement each day.

Either way….I want to say on your birthday THANK YOU for the gift Joe. I guess I owe you.


And as he always says, stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Small and Noble Tasks

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." ~ Helen Keller

The news headlines grab your attention regarding great new inventions or discovery. It might be the cure for polio developed by Dr. Jonas Salk in 1952. Or maybe you were the guy who came up with the whole E equals mc squared thing. You might even be a philanthropist gifting billions of dollars to help others.

What of other great people in religion, athletics, politics or business that have come and gone? So many people throughout history have had huge individual impact upon this great world. But do you count yourself among the great people of this world?

You should.

Your life may not grab the attention of millions of people around the globe. But the good things you do in life have an impact on others just like the famous headline grabbing people.

Your impact is just as great and meaningful as others.

Never under estimate the small tasks in life for they are the most noble of all those accomplished.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Music To Our Heart

If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.
Albert Einstein

Volkswagen created a site called The Fun Theory dedicated to the thought that something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better.

In this video, what if would take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better? It is something we often tell ourselves but few of us follow the advice to so. What if walking the stairs were more fun than riding an escalator?

What would happen?

Notice how many people took the stairs as opposed to the escalator.

If we hear the music in all that we do, what other great things could we do besides just taking the stairs?

Stay inspired my friends!