Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ten 4 Five - Day Four

Genuinely good people are like that. The sun shines out of them. They warm you right through.” ― Michael Morpurgo

As the week comes closer to an end, here on day four I continue my Ten4Five series of simply saying thank you or expressing the goodness of people that are in my life. One way or another, we have an impact upon each other and I want to show the good in people.

1. Bekki Bailey

For many years, your smile and humor has accompanied great food in our cafeteria. Your abilities as a chef are astounding but your qualities as a person are even greater.

2. Christine Carey

At work, we probably do not say thank you near enough for much of the quiet and excellent work you do for us behind the scenes. Your abilities to anticipate, accomplish and drive the machinery of work are unparalleled.

3. David P Baker

The superlatives I could express would sound like a movie promotion, but then it wouldn't say enough. Your talent as a filmmaker, writer and teacher of your craft to others inspires not only myself but countless others.

4. Charlie Spell

Your example of what it means to be a good and decent person continues to push me as a man. Your impact upon others continues even in your retirement from a job as your retired life rumbles on with greatness.

5. Jim Crumbley

Where you have endured and conquered in life could fill a book for many other men to learn from. I have been fortunate to have watched and learned from a close distance for part of it. The lives of many men have and many more will forever be greater for what you have done for them.

6. Tom Hanks

A person that many would consider celebrity, I consider Tom a good person who just happens to be celebrity. You have shown what a person can do when given the means to do good things for others. I doubt that will ever change as goodness in your heart will always impact others.

7. Andy Penick

There are hills and valleys that you have successfully crossed. And while there will always be those same crossings to make in life, you have inspired me to continue the journey with a smile on my face and determination in my heart.

8. Kay Weeks

Your friendship and leadership teaches us to boldly go forward even in the midst of crisis. Life must and will move forward regardless of our circumstance and you demonstrate compassion while helping all those you touch to press on with that life.

9. Mike McDonald

Life can take a moment in time and change the course of one's world. Your perseverance and claim to a great life inspite of the obstacles is of great inspiration to many. The laughter and goodness which is you continues to fill my own life as it does all those many others you connect with.

10. Jeff Kane

If I were to forget my pastor, then I could not complete my Ten4Five. You are the inspiration for this series and in the continuing community which is our church. You have boldly taken on a challenge that will no doubt be a success because that simply is what you do.

Tomorrow is my final day in my own Ten4Five challenge. Will I have been able to successfully complete it? Stay inspired my Friends.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ten 4 Five - Day Three

"Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests." - Derek Jeter

As the week progresses, there are still good people out there. So are close to me. Some were once close to me. All of them have left their mark upon me in a good way. They are all good people and the type of people I hope that you have had in your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

1. Les Perlenfein

I am digging trench along a house in the heat of summer. You bring a chair a chair, cold beer and great conversation. What more can someone ask for in life but to have know someone such as you.

2. Paul Fell

An art teacher who indulged my aspirations. While I am not an artist, your teachings gave me the ability to express myself. It has served me well through all my years. You are a great teacher, artist and person.

3. Lyle Thompson

So many years have passed with both joy and heartache in our lives. Your passion for life, work ethic and love of family have inspired me even in the long distance between us.

4. Scott Roumph

High school seems so very long ago, but I watched your success in the years since. And while I miss the times together, working together as Electricians, I appreciate the fact I can still call you a friend.

5. Steve Triden

A talented person but more so a great and dedicated father. When I see pictures of you and Tony, the love you have for your son inspires me to be even better with my own sons.

6. Jim Boeche

I feel privileged to have been connected to such an awe inspiring man. A talent in the medical field, a passion for the care of people and a huge heart full of laughter and joy. The joy you plant in others is reaped in your own joyful life.

7. Anthony Nebelsick

It is you that introduced me to the mother of my sons. Without that encounter I would not have the joy of these four boys. I know you have had success in life and it will continue. That same success will continue for you and those that connect with you.

8. Steve Trout

I do miss my friend, the one who taught me the easy and laid back way of life. You have talents beyond the ordinary, but the ability to simply kick back, drop a fishing line in the water and simply enjoy life remains a great lesson for anyone.

9. David Spell

My conservative alter-ego friend who is much more than that. David is simply a great guy with compassion for those in need and the ability to teach a word goodness in their life. Your voracious reading and writings are an inspiration for me to do even more.

10. Roy Carter

You get the family acknowledgement from day one but also individual acknowledgement. It was your friendship that saved my life when it could have spiraled into oblivion. You keep me grounded and encouraged to think things through while allowing me to hold my own opinions. Life is better because of you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ten 4 Five - Day Two

Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” ― Marvin J. Ashton

Day two of my Ten4Five week where I am calling out those in my life who have made a difference to me, to many others and to simply say something nice about them. How is your Ten4Five challenge going?

Stay inspired my friends!

1. Pierluca Chiodelli

A robust and enthusiastic personality that exudes the best of what people should be. Your leadership is a constant thing for me to admire and emulate as my own career evolves.

2. Art Vasali

One of the smartest men I know when it comes to troubleshooting problems. The mentorship you provided to me and countless others remains the greatest learning experience I have ever had.

3. Siv Rintharamy

Even though you are my current manager, I am not sucking up to you. My career is evolving and your quiet, thoughtful leadership is teaching me the valuable lessons needed in this job.

4. Joe Bellone

There are many things I have learned from your leadership and the value of loyalty.

5. Doc Watson

A man true to your words and an early inspiration in my career. Your integrity and belief in others will always hold you up.

6. Jim McCarthy

Your enthusiasm for the job, for life and those around you is unparalleled.

7. Keith Snell

A friend that is one of the most knowledgeable, talented and actually quite funny people I know. I have learned and leaned on you in life, to that I am lucky to know one such as you.

8. David Moore

You are in my eyes a patient person who taught me the value of understanding the logic beneath the hyperbole of a situation. Your talents have taken you far and wide and continue to impact many others.

9. Dale Weaver

If I had to have a mentor showing me another version of a quiet demeanor when managing people, you are the one that I look to.

10. Gail Iskierka

My life has been filled with strong and smart women. You were the one that took a chance to hire me way back when and then provided the guidance needed to learn the job. Like many of the women in my life, each of you possess the skills, knowledge and determination to be a great success in life.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Ten 4 Five - Day One

Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.
Mark Twain

This week I am going to take five days to say something nice about ten people each day. It is a challenge that helps remind us of the goodness that does surround each of us.

We can easily fall into complaint of others and even when we do say something nice, the words are unrememberable. So the challenge is to say something meaningful to ten people, each day, for five days. You can do this with the people you encounter each day, a long lost relative or in any fashion you wish to do so. I happen to blog and will do so here; the daily encounters I have will also be added encounters.

It will be tough to do but I know that each of you can. Do this often enough and it will become habit. Do this often enough and it will change their world and it will change your world. Stay inspired my friends.

Day One - let me start with family, where my heart truly resides.

1. Laura Primm

My wife, my friend, the one I love has a heart so big and true. You have an impact with every person you come in contact with such that they cannot help but be changed in a positive way. My life is constantly made better by your presence.

2. Joe Primm

Top line chef, health guru and compassionate person. Yes, you produce something great each and every day.

3. Jessica Campbell

Grit and determination are your greatness. Your perseverance will bring even greater things.

4. Dan Primm

Warrior and gentle father of Madilyn, those combined traits make you a great leader of men.

5. Sarra Everett

Essence of what others need; protection when vulnerable and a guide to the light they need.

6. Jon Primm

Pushing through physical hurdles to achieve what others only dream about; your career will shine bright.

7. Shirin Fletcher

Few words to describe the mountains you have achieved. Your greatness is only beginning.

8. Steve Primm

Your music, your passion, that talent is something to be shared with the world. The stage awaits you.

9. Pareesa Sarabi

People are simply better once you have been with them; your greatness is only beginning to take shape.

10. All the rest of my family

Such a large and supportive group of people. From my father, my siblings, to in-laws, the cousins, to nieces and nephews. Each of you help shape and influence the person I am and continue to be. Each of you are wonderfully talented, wonderfully compassionate and simply wonderful.