Monday, April 13, 2015

Lighting the Way

How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.” ― William Shakespeare

You probably arose this morning, made coffee and retrieved the paper out front. There was a bit of time in your morning to to have a small breakfast before heading off to work or one of several different appointments. It could even be a weekend morning and a trip to the store to pick up items, filling up with gas or possibly a meeting with friends for a meal.

Today is a chance for each of us shine a bit of light on other people.

We can be a light of goodness to pass on a smile, a good word or kindness to brighten their day. Being this type of person who passes along kindness does not require greatness or training.

It only requires allowing the light within you to reveal itself.

We have a light to share and many around us need a light to shine upon their darkness.

The darkness could be a troubling day at work, an issue with another person close to them or one of a thousand other issues. What they need is a nice word or a smile to make a change in their day.

All you have to do is allow your light to chase out the darkness in another person's life. It doesn't take much light to open that path for someone. Let your light be the path for someone.

And stay inspired my friends!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Now Go Do It

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” - Leonardo da Vinci

We can sit around all day, all week or all month planning a vision. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

We complain about our condition in life and why nothing changes. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

We can want for change by dreaming of something new in our life. The problem is that nothing will change until you act upon it.

The two key words in the above statements are YOU and ACT.

It takes you to act if change is going to take place. Movement towards anything will cause the change to occur. Only by believing in our vision, acting upon that vision, will we realize the success of that vision.

You know what to do; now go do it and see your life change.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

Barrenness of a Busy Life

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life." - Socrates

Like a crazy graph showing the ups and downs of the stock market, my daily work routine can be slow or busy with excruciating deadlines. Like most people, not only do I sometimes have too much on my plate, but I have way too many plates. And I can spin multiple plates with the best of them.

I was so good at it that I managed to lose touch with so much.

So much that I divorced several years back. So much that I lost touch with my sons. So much that I lost touch with my friends. So much that I lost touch with my faith.

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

I speak about this in my book Changed Lives. I write about how life can change so much when you lose balance and life begins to spin out of control. What I thought was filling up my life was actually destroying it; slowly and very methodically.

My obsessive compulsive disorder nature was driving me to perfect everything in my work life, that I neglected many other parts.

I have since repaired those parts of my life and reconnected.

I married a wonderful woman and gained four wonderful daughters. I work to improve and maintain the relationship I cherish with my sons. I have reconnected with friends from the past. I have also been reconnected to my faith for several years now.

I work to maintain balance within my life; as much balance as one can aspire to.

Spiritual & Moral, Marriage & Family, Mental & Emotional, 
Physical & Health, Social & Cultural, Financial & Career

"Beware the barrenness of a busy life."

Certainly I have not perfected it and probably never will. But I am cognizant of it and will continue to work at it. And like that stock chart, I have to watch it and gauge when my busy schedule is creating barrenness in my life.

This is something I recommend to each of you as well.

Find a way to balance life so that you don't wake up one morning to an empty world. You can spin those plates, tote that bale, pull that barge, but remember there will always be plates, bales and barges. Your life is the one and only one you get.

So beware the barrenness of a busy life.

And stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Money 101

Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like.” ― Will Rogers

Many of us grew up earning money performing small jobs around the house or mowing a neighbor's lawn. You might have even earned that money by spending Saturday evenings babysitting for your parents friends or delivering newspapers on Sunday mornings.

It turns out that many of us were never taught how to handle that money.

This lack of education happens for a myriad of reasons. In preparatory school, the basics of math, english and history are taught. There is a level of budgeting concepts taught but at that age, budgeting is the furthest thing from young minds.

As we get into our college years and or early job years, these things called budgets, credit, bills and savings are words we have heard. But do we really understand how handle the implications of each? Are we truly prepared for it?

Yes, the reality of money suddenly hits.

For a lot of kids turning into young adults and even older, the struggles to learn and pull out of money issues consumes much of their lives. A capitalistic system is a good thing. It fuels the economies of many countries. It creates opportunities to work hard, get ahead and earn more money. With those better paying jobs, the promise of better schools, roads and lots of things in the stores to buy. But what fuels it?

You and I spending money, lots of it!

The billboards, magazine ads, television commercials and even product placements in the movies we watch. We are bombarded by these things and more, all in of effort to get you to spend your money and to keep the economy flowing. It preys upon our nature to WANT things more than what we actually NEED.

Yet all of this spending short changes us individually with higher debt, less savings and a shorter distance to fall when something major happens effecting our income. Never fear though, you can learn how to handle money now. This is for all ages and it begins by reading.

Take it upon yourself to learn.

There is a great series at CNNMoney which provides a "Money 101" set of 23 lessons on the various aspects of our financial lives. It is simple but it is a place to start getting you on a great financial track.

Some of the lessons covered are;

- Setting Priorities
- Making a Budget
- Basics of Banking and Saving
- Controlling Debt

And others which take you into growing your money.

Start now, improve your finances and your life will improve.

Remember its not about the money. It is about you and how you handle money. Even the richest of us can be miserable and the poorest amongst us happiest. Handling what money we do have in a smart and sensible way makes life much better.

Get your finances in order and bring more balance into your life.

Stay inspired my friends!