Friday, August 12, 2016

Confidence To Move Forward

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau

A few years ago I was traveling on business with quite a few meetings at many different locations in the Redmond, Washington area. You can probably guess at which company and by doing so, probably understand how large their campus is. There are buildings spreading over a large part of Bellevue and Redmond, Washington and something on the order of forty some thousand people (on these campuses alone).

Still can't guess which one?

It does not matter, only to know that getting from one building to another meant figuring out where things were and getting there as quickly as possible. I would find one building, a place to park, get inside, do my one hour presentation then rush off to the next location.

My goal was to see as many groups as possible and get my message out in front of them. This can never be done unless you have a clear goal and direction in mind. In my case, I had printed out each of the meetings and information surrounding them.

It was about preparation to confidently push in the direction of my goal.

It is the same for me as it is for you. Without choosing a direction and confidently going towards it, achieving goals will be difficult. Certainly the hardest part can be moving at all. And choosing to change is scary as it pulls us from what is our comfort zone.

Once we do decide to change our lives, we need to move with confidence in the direction we have set forth for ourselves. Don't be afraid that the direction might be wrong. You can correct your course as you move. As you gain momentum, your confidence will be strengthened.

Obstacles become smaller and reality of your goal will come in view.

So move with confidence in the direction of your dreams. Eventually you will find the treasure of your dream is right in front of you, within reach, a reality.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

The Wear Level Of Negativity

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer

As described by National Geographic, erosion is the act in which earth is worn away, often by water, wind, or ice. A similar process, weathering, breaks down or dissolves rock, weakening it or turning it into tiny fragments.

In our daily life, negativity is the weathering which breaks down our lives. It changes the way we view and approach our daily lives in mostly destructive ways. Until we are worn down with only tiny fragments of support left.

Eventually the imbalance causes us to fall.

In an article written by Rick Riddle titled 6 Signs Your Subconcious Negativity Is Sabotaging Your Well-Being, he states, "This is the power of your subconscious. It has been programmed with either positive or negative thoughts, put there by you, and it will bubble up to affect you in any current situation."

He writes that we fill ourselves with negative thoughts in six distinct ways.

1. Black and White Thinking
2. Your Moods Change Significantly and Often
3. You Adopt Some Bad habits
4. You Consistently Speak and Think About the Past or the Future
5. You Have Worries, Anxieties and Fears
6. You are Judgmental of Self and Others

Can you see the traps these six habits can create the view of nothing will ever go your way. These thoughts fill your head and you begin to respond to every event in a negative fashion with little hope of changing the circumstance.

Changing your perspective, changing your response, changing your attitude will change everything.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, August 08, 2016

Compassion Follows

"Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves." - Mason Cooley

Each of us have witnessed on television the devastating images from Japan when a tsunami hit their shores in 2011. An earthquake and then a large scale tsunami wreaked widespread death and destruction.

One could not help but be moved to compassion for those affected.

The Wednesday before this natural disaster occurred, I was flying through Tokyo on my way home. During my four hour layover an airline club representative told me I had just missed the rumblings of an early morning earthquake.

Little did I or anyone around me know what was about to happen.

As I have written before, the unexpected will happen in life. But it can be in our hearts to spill over with compassion when others are hurt. And compassion not only happens during great disasters, but compassion can be an everyday piece of your heart.

There are people all around us in need.

Some more then others have great needs and others with smaller needs just to help them get through the day. It does not mean we are ranking the needs of people. Just know that everyone has needs which are important to them.

When you rise above yourself, compassion for others will naturally follow.

Individually we can not solve all or even many of the worlds problems. But start small, start with yourself, start by simply having compassion where it is needed. Eventually you will find yourself among others doing great things.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, August 05, 2016

The Unexpected Will Always Happen

It is strange how new and unexpected conditions bring out unguessed ability to meet them.” ― Edgar Rice Burroughs

John Lennon, a member of the 1960's group The Beatles once said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." A subtle but true reminder of how we live our lives as we attempt to control and plan all aspects of life.

Life itself has a tendency to do other things.

It might be attending college working towards a degree, a new girl or boy in your life and suddenly a baby is on the way.

Life changes your plans and now your life is raising a family.

It might be as a child with parents seeing your life ahead of you and then a divorce occurs changing everything.

Life sets you on a course much different then you had imagined.

A job career progressing and than a downturn in the economy and you become a statistic on a balance sheet, no more job.

Life just handed you a new opportunity to embrace.

Each of us plan and chart where our lives are going and want to be. Just remember the unexpected can and probably will occur. Be of good nature and understand it happens to everyone throughout their lifetime. It will happen to you, but knowing this and staying positive will help pull you through once again.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Our Inner Attitude

There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” – W. Clement Stone

When will all this great stuff happen?

I made a change three weeks ago and things are still the same.

What about me, what about the great life?

These are comments I have heard from folks who have not caught the true essence of what a great attitude is. Achieving success or a great life is not about instant results or even sometimes visible change.

Most of this is about inner change

It is about being different within which allows the outside to take care of itself. Robert Browning said, “The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life: Try to be Shakespeare, leave the rest to fate!”

There will be changes which begin to happen in your life that can not be expected. Time will flow by and all of a sudden there will be a realization that things are good. When you concentrate on the inner self, the rest will begin to take care of itself.

Life will come to you with greater opportunity.

Greater friends, greater success and you will reflect one day and realize life is good. At that moment, what having a great attitude means will become clear to you.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

The Joy Of It All

"A cheerful spirit is one of the most valuable gifts ever bestowed upon humanity by a kind Creator. It is the sweetest and most fragrant flower of the Spirit, that constantly sends out its beauty and fragrance, and blesses everything within its reach. It will sustain the soul in the darkest and most dreary places of this world. It will hold in check the demons of despair, and stifle the power of discouragement and hopelessness. It is the brightest star that ever cast its radiance over the darkened soul, and one that seldom sets in the gloom of morbid fancies and foreboding imaginations." - James H. Aughey

Every day you rise and go about your day. Each of those days will be different.

Some days will be filled with mundane ordinary events while others will be filled with stress. Days of glee and happiness can be followed by pain and sorrow.

For every one of those days we will have emotional and physical responses to deal with. How you choose to handle these daily changes determines just how good or bad the day will be. The daily effort to move forward with life will be affected by these day-to-day changes.

With some level of cheerfulness in your heart, those days will be made better when all of the world seems upon you. But while you work at living, do not forget to enjoy life along the way.

Even with the ups and downs, the trials and tribulations, the joy and sadness; try to enjoy life along the way for it passes much too quickly.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

What Caution We Take

"I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." - Henry David Thoreau

What would you exactly do if you encountered miniature donkeys in the course of your travel? What if it were large boulders from a rock slide? Or what if you fell asleep and the plane you are flying in lands at a completely unknown destination?

What if?

There are so many unknowns in life which can block the path we are on. Just when you begin to think you have accounted for everything, the unexpected crosses your path. It seems ludicrous that it could happen to us, but it does.

Our reaction is to become overly cautious and begin to watch out for wild or weird maladies. This reaction to fear of the unknown causes us to avoid a possible encounter with the unexpected. We create walls of caution around our life. Soon enough we stop moving for fear of the unexpected.

What if?

So what if the unexpected were simply ourself standing in the way? What if it was our own fear keeping us from moving forward? This small but significant road block is one of the hardest things to overcome; and that is fear.

But once we get out of our own way, there is so much more we can do. We can conquer what seemed impossible before. The doors seem to open when once they were tightly shut. Life itself becomes more clear and in focus to new and greater possibility.

Yes, we can always proceed with caution and moderate the speed at which we move forward. But when you encounter the unexpected fear of yourself, find a way through it. And most important, keep moving. Overcome the unexpected whether it be your own fears, the unknown or even a herd of miniature donkeys.

And stay inspired my friends!

Monday, August 01, 2016

Be Inspired

"You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore." – Christopher Columbus

Can a ten-minute video inspire?

Yes, I believe it can so here today for all my children, grand-children and for anyone who have dreams of achieving a great life. Many of these lessons are ones I learned growing up, but took many years to understand how to use them.

Ten minutes to be inspired and use to inspire yourself to a better life.

Go beyond hearing the words but use them to create a great life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Secret Revealed

"If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." - Kahlil Gibran

I really do like those secrets which are held until the right moment. Secrets such as a surprise birthday, a proposal or the birth of a boy or girl; the secret is then revealed and all is placed in front of us.

There are also those secrets which seem to hide from us. Those which never seem to be revealed or taught. From the day we are born, some are given the secret by their parents, teachers or mentors. For some people it takes a discovery well into their lives.

Than a greatness is revealed.

The excitement cast upon you by the secret comes first. It builds within and you wonder why it took so long to discover it. The doubt is cast aside and you see life in a whole new bold and courageous way. For you the secret has been revealed.

So do you want to know a secret?

Don't wait or be patient. Learn the secret and it will fill your life with happiness and greatness.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Fish Named Louis

"All there is to thinking is seeing something noticeable, which makes you see something you weren't noticing, which makes you see something that isn't even visible." - Leo Strauss

Several years ago, I was on business for a few weeks in India. At the hotel where I spent my sleeping hours, typically I would eat lunch in the hotel restaurant prior to meeting my driver for the drive over to the office.

A fish named Louis.

It was a daily ritual during lunch time that if sitting by yourself a fishbowl with a single goldfish was brought out and set on the table with you. Each day they brought a bowl with a fish named Louis. I know his name was Louis as his name tag was on the bowl.

Everyday a different card attached would be inscribed with an amusing phrase such as "Try the fish, I used to have a mother-in-law". It was meant to keep you company and if you wish, write a message on the card for Louis. My response one day for Louis was to write "Life is a bowl of cherries, but in your case a bowl of water. So sorry!"

A turn of the bowl.

One particular day something happened which changed my perspective. Sitting down for my customary lunch time meal, Louis was set on the table. As I was reading the newspaper I took a quick glance, acknowledged the fish bowl and carried on. I even ate part of my meal when the waiter came by and asked how the meal and conversation with Louis had been.

I looked again and thought...where is he?

The waiter looked and there was no Louis in the fish bowl. An empty fish bowl had been brought to the table except for the water and few pebbles at the bottom. I had become so oblivious to this friend accompanying me at lunch time. How had I taken Louis for granted, for always being there?

A new fish bowl was brought to the table and Louis was there this time. I firmly acknowledged his presence, said 'hello' to him, asked how he had been and then went about my meal. And before you think I had lost my mind, the point of it did not go unnoticed.

Do we tend to take for granted those around us?

I had become so used to this fish being there, that when he was not I did not notice. Can the same thing happen in our real life 'person to person' relationships? Do you fail to notice or acknowledge those around you? It is one of the worst feelings a human can have, one in which people ignore or fail to notice you are there.

What about the everyday encounter with people we meet or interact with each day? In your daily walk, do you ignore or fail to notice people around you? Think about it, you have probably walked past a door man for the fortieth time this year already. Have you said hello, sent a smile his way, or simply acknowledged their presence?

I have seen it happen many times and admit I've done it myself.

We look past those we might feel are beneath us, the low wage worker, the homeless and those we feel we don't want to be bothered with. Take a moment and reflect on I so great that I should not even acknowledge those I pass each day?

If you are doing this with those outside the home, it is probably happening inside home as well. You become complacent with the ones closest to you. You become complacent with those you work with or go to church with. And we miss each day the opportunity to impart some goodness within us upon others.

Improve and make their day a bit brighter.

I am not sure that Louis, my goldfish friend had much despair over my inattention. But you can be sure that your inattentiveness to others is noticed. Mostly by the person you love and might be overlooking each day. In Proverbs it is written, “If you wish your merit to be known, acknowledge that of other people.”

Acknowledge those around you and stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Eccentricity In Paradise

"Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." - Henry Ward Beecher

Amid all of the crazy news of political conventions, people killing each other, baseball uniforms being destroyed; a little bit of eccentricity can be good. And there once was such an artist by the name of Howard Finster from Summerville, Georgia.

A famed folk artist.

Howard died back in 2001 but his art is remembered both in it's style and commentary on life. Not long ago, my wife and I visited his last home and the place he called, Paradise Gardens. It has fallen into disrepair and in need of monetary donations to keep it alive. But to walk through and see his handiwork is a marvel. You can see he touched many lives with his art which fit quite nicely with the eccentricity that is life.

As someone said in a review of his work, "Howard Finster is probably the best-known unknown artist in America. An eccentric whose evangelical work appeared on album covers for R.E.M., Talking Heads and landed him on The Tonight Show."

God's junk man.

"He called himself 'God's junk man' and spent a good part of his life bringing new meaning to the phrase 'Jesus Saves.' His Paradise Garden in Summerville, Georgia is a scrap collector's heaven in which broken glass, rusted bicycles, and cement-filled 'tater chip boxes' fueled his artistic and religious whimsy."

For art fanatics and people who would like to visit the gardens, the folks who work to maintain the property could use your help. The Paradise Garden Foundation is an effort to restore and preserve the work of Howard Finster; meant to keep his legacy alive, promoting education in the arts and extending its enrichment through the unique spirit, setting, and message which is Paradise Gardens.

If you have the heart and willingness to be a part of their efforts, visit the website. Art lasts a life time and the memory of those who bring it to us can as well. Howard took a step to change the lives of other people through his art work. Take a step yourself and see how you can as well.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, July 25, 2016

French Fries For All

Service is a smile. It is an acknowledging wave, a reaching handshake, a friendly wink, and a warm hug. It's these simple acts that matter most, because the greatest service to a human soul has always been the kindness of recognition.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

I normally do not remember dreams and am not prone to read much into them. But every once in a while something from it sparks a idea. I find a word or good thought that I can share with others is usually the outcome from remembering a dream.

Like a friendly restaurant.

My dream took me to a non-descriptive restaurant or diner where the food was good. I could have stopped there but everyone seemed very friendly, with a smile and caring conversation. The wait staff and short-order cooks were enjoying atmosphere as well.

There are many places like this one from my dream that each of us have actually encountered. From the earliest days of time up to today, these places exist in one form or another. A place where people are simply friendly to each other.

The french fries were fantastic.

This brings me back to my high school days, sitting in the local diner after a Friday night basketball game. A large basket of warm french fries sitting on the table with friends gathered sharing and laughing with the whole place buzzing with excitement.

A smile for everyone.

We each can share a basket of fries, a smile and a warm greeting for those around us. It could be in the grocery store line, the bus or any place you travel. It only takes you and your ability to smile and offer a friendly gesture.

Have a great day everyone and stay inspired!

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Good Old Days Are Today

"These days, right now, these are the good old days. I've always approached it that way. That's why I'm still working. I'm not the guy who is ready to sit by the pool." - Richard D. Zanuck

I can remember those Saturday afternoons growing up, my folks watching the Lawrence Welk Show. They are fond memories and at the time, were the best of days.

Lawrence Welk was born in the German community of Strasburg, North Dakota, and Lawrence decided music would be his career. He was able to get his father to buy a $400 accordion, over $4000 in today's money and thus goes his career.

It may seem odd to show what some consider old-fashioned or corny music, but many songs you hear today were probably held in his music holding companies catalog. Lawrence Welk's copyright holdings became one of the largest, most respected and highly successful independent music publishing companies of all time.

Chances are no matter how you consumed music during the 70's and 80's you could not go a day without hearing at least one song and more than likely many songs published by Lawrence Welk. All of the standards of the day, pop, R&B, country, rock 'n' roll, adult contemporary were in his publishing house collection.

You name it, songs owned by the maestro and written by the greatest songwriters of the 20th Century came at you via radio, TV, movies, Broadway, concert halls, boom boxes, home stereo systems, elevators, grocery store ceilings and everywhere else music was presented. Explore those musical roots and maybe you will find something new in what is old.

As Lawrence would always say, "An’ a one, an’ a two …"

The good old days were good then and so are the days today the good ones.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Successful Stairs

"Don't aim at success--the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the byproduct of one's surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it."
Viktor Emil Frankl

People will respond to the question, "What do you want most in life" by saying, "success or money".

As defined, success is;

1. favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
2. attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
3. successful performance or achievement: The play was an instant success.
4. person or thing that is successful: She was a great success on the talk show.

Success can define us or signal the achievement of a goal.

But is success the final attainment and being defined as successful what we really want? I believe success or the idea of being successful is merely a process of achieving something. If we focus on the process of moving towards a goal, adjusting and persevering; then success is merely an end point to that process.

Success will take care of itself at that point.

And success is not an end to accomplishments in your life. It is only a step towards even more that you can do.

Consider success in your life as a step on the stairway you are building. It is another level in the story of your life, not an ending. Focus on the process and each success will motivate you even further. Life is a journey that continues until you are no longer able to continue. Let each success in your life be the tale of that journey and not the end point.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

A Side Of Life

"When you're chewing on life's gristle. Don't grumble, give a whistle. And this'll help things turn out for the best. And always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the light side of life." - Monty Python's Life of Brian

Each of us have had one of those days. Things just did not go the way you had planned. Heck, some of us have had one of those weeks, months or years.

Unplanned times might even make you question life itself.

I wondered myself a couple of times although the thought of ending it was never a serious thought. But I do know a few people who did think seriously of it. I have also known people who actually carried it out; a sister in fact.

I am not bold enough to know what truly enters a persons mind to make them feel death is a better solution. But I do know much of it comes down to feelings of self worth, of value to anyone else and of ending the pain of whatever they are going through.

Only a couple of times have I been placed in a situation to try and talk someone back from the edge. And since I am not a professional counselor, it was nerve wracking to say the least. Yet in my mind I knew when speaking that "YOU" was important.

"YOU" do make a difference in the lives of others.

"YOU" will get through this and achieve great things.

Is it as simple as a Monty Python song, to always look on the bright side of life? In some ways it could be that simple and yes I have been accused of oversimplifying things in my writing. My response is that many times we do over complicate life.

Can looking "on the bright side" fix all of our problems? No, but it is a start.

What is important is the life of you.

Whatever thing you are going through, the existence of you has meaning. Be strong and push through. Search out the help of others. Put yourself among people who care for you. Remain enthralled by the beauty and wonder of life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Individual Choice

"The smallest gesture can mean so much to those who may need a little lift in their lives." - Gordon B. Hinckley

Early this morning I was on my way to the airport. This was to be the usual traffic congested drive of a Monday morning through downtown Atlanta. As you pass through this concrete labyrinth of on ramps, off ramps and fly over bridges, it can be a very bland drive of non-descriptive gray.

This particular morning I noticed something different.

Beneath one of the overpasses lay someone homeless, sleeping wrapped in a dirty bag on what appeared to be a bed of branches. What was the story, why in this place, how could one sleep through all of the noise. It caught me by surprise for reasons I can not understand, but it made me wonder.

How low can we sink in our own life to sleep by a freeway.

There are many reasons for the condition many find themselves in. Poor choices, mental health, drug abuse and sometimes we simply can not explain the condition. I can only guess what this person may have encountered to end up in a dirty bag along a busy stretch of freeway.

My hope would be this person finds a way to be lifted. That he or she allows themselves to be lifted by the grace and kindness of another person. Our lives can be used to lift others in need and when down ourselves, be lifted by others.

That is a lot of lifting.

But each of us are capable of doing more for others. We are capable of accepting the help. We are and we will be the people who make a difference in the lives of others. It will not be the politicians, the preachers or the pundits. Individuals making individual choices make a difference.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, July 15, 2016

An Awesome View

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” ― Socrates

This was a whirlwind type of week with an unplanned trip out of the country for four days. A trip so quick that it seems like it may not have even occurred. But it did and I love these types of opportunity in life to meet and engage with new people.

Challenging but always learning.

Each and every time I am asked to engage in the last moment, the impossible, the challenging ... well that is the opportunity I take on because I always learn. These types of challenges force you to focus and dig deep inside to meet the challenge head on.

You might get hurt.

With each of these challenges, there is always risk of failure but there is also risk of complete success. The results are normally somewhere in-between but what is learned should always be the larger thing to come away with. Even from getting hurt we learn.

Meet each challenge with enthusiasm.

Nearly everyday you are going to be faced with a decision. Do I avoid all risk and remain stagnant in my career and in my life? Or do I take on the challenge of risk, hard work and learn something from it. Learn something new that can propel you to greater things?

You can aim for higher things in life and eventually find a view of the surrounding landscape in awe of what you have learned. Those skyscrapers are not simply there for you to always be looking up. They are also there for reaching the top and looking far and wide.

The view is pretty awesome.

Stay inspired my friends.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Friday Relaxation

When all else fails, take a vacation.” ― Betty Williams

After a week full of traffic snarls, work deadlines and rushing to whatever the next appointment is ... you deserve a moment of relaxation.

So here is your chance to relax for a few minutes on the beach.

Enjoy and stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Saving Your Future

"Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."
- Warren Buffet

Similar to where you work, there are probably new people being hired, many of whom are young. I say young people only because I am getting older as opposed to others getting younger.

Enough about age though.

At my place of employment, we would impress upon each of them to sign up and start contributing to our company 401K retirement plan. Many did not want to hear our comments and advice.

It is understandable the reluctance on their part. They are just starting a new career, juggling student loans, furnishing a new apartment and buying a reliable car. They each have a potential 30 or 40-year career in front of them.

Retirement is the most remote thought in their head.

It is said by many financial experts that you will need nearly 70% of your income to maintain your standard of living after retirement. In addition to this, with improved health and medical advances, you could spend nearly one-third of your life in retirement as life expectancy grows.

So it is very important to start saving now - something - anything.

For me, advancing into middle or just beyond middle age began my work career near the tail end of a time when company pensions were still a major part of your retirement package. A vast majority of companies do not have pension programs and many remaining companies are opting out of pensions in favor of 401K programs.

This means I have a small cushion in having a small pension. Young workers today though do not have the luxury of a pension building in their early career years. And the troubling fact for these young workers is this will put them behind in saving for retirement if they do not start saving now.

Resist the temptation to delay saving for retirement.

Each month, pay yourself first. Start with something, any part of your take home and place it into savings. But be honest with yourself, you could do more then you think. Apply this to a retirement savings account. If your company offers a retirement plan with a contribution match, contribute enough in order to take advantage of the full company match.

How much should you be saving?

There is a common 10/10/80 rule which says contribute 10% to your church, charity, or something that is tax deductible, which helps others and then you during tax time. Then pay yourself by saving 10% before you pay anyone or anything else. Put this money into a 401K, IRA, CDs or someplace long term. Try to use pre-tax dollars if possible as it will lower your taxable income now and save you tax dollars.

The last part is the 80%, the hardest part for most everyone.

Live on 80% of your income and I am talking about your take home pay. Many people have a very difficult time with this because we are a heavily driven consumer society. TV commercials, print ads and billboards all shout at you to spend more money. Just remember that you alone are not responsible for keeping all of those companies in business. You do not have to purchase that new car, have the fanciest house or even the most fashionable clothes.

What you need is enough money for retirement.

Three more tips;

1. Have your money automatically deposited each month into your 401K or savings plan. Out of sight, out of mind, you will be surprised how you don't miss it as it builds with compounding interest.

2. Create an emergency savings fund at your bank, roughly six months of your household income. Include a little extra spending money into your budget as this will keep you from being tempted to 'dip' into your retirement savings.

3. Check out the internet for more information, read books, and learn by adjusting your spending habits. One of my favorite books which gives a clear understanding of what you are facing and is not trying to sell you anything ... is a book by Ben Stein and Phil Demuth called Yes, You Can Still Retire Comfortably!.

The key though is to start saving today...don't delay until tomorrow.

One percent, three percent, ten percent and more as you adjust your spending and begin to secure your retirement future.

And stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Summertime Reading

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

It is vacation season in the northern hemisphere. While you are enjoying some much needed rest at your favorite vacationing spot, there will be time to read a book or two.

Below you will find a few books that might be of interest to your summer reading. Some of these books are mine and some belong to others whom I've read and have enjoyed.

Take the time to do a little reading, learning, and rejuvenating of your mind, soul and attitude.

Books written by me which might be of interest to you.
- Love Is
- Live The Journey

Or see my author's page on Amazon at Joseph Primm.

Another fun author is David Spell who has written several books which are great reads.
- Street Cop by David Spell
- Street Cop II by David Spell

His author's page can be found on Amazon at David Spell.

Some additional summertime reading books are;
- Little Shakers by Jill Sweetman
- The Healing by Andy Penick
- The Greatest Baseball Stories by Jeff Silverman
- Lost At Sea by David Boyle

These are just a few books to fill your summer reading enjoyment. You will learn, you will be in awe and you will go more places.

Stay inspired my friends!